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A Closer Look At The Term And Its Significance

Zwangsgeld: The Coercive Fine or Penalty Imposed by German Law

A Closer Look at the Term and Its Significance

Understanding the Meaning and Context of Zwangsgeld

Zwangsgeld, a German term, translates to "coercive fine or penalty" in English. It refers to a legal obligation imposed by a court or administrative authority to compel compliance with a specific action or refrain from a particular conduct.

The concept of Zwangsgeld is prevalent in German law, particularly in administrative and civil procedures. It serves as a means of enforcing various regulations, such as payment of taxes, adherence to building codes, and compliance with environmental laws.

The Legal Framework Governing Zwangsgeld

The legal basis for Zwangsgeld can be found in various provisions of the German Administrative Procedure Act (VwVfG) and the German Fiscal Code (AO). These laws provide the authority for public authorities to impose coercive fines to ensure compliance with their orders.

The amount of Zwangsgeld is determined by the specific regulation or order being enforced and the gravity of the non-compliance. It can range from a nominal fee to substantial sums, depending on the circumstances.
