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A Closer Look At The Facebook Profiles

Tina Bitterbier: A Case of Mistaken Identity

A Closer Look at the Facebook Profiles

The recent news article that surfaced has caught the attention of many, highlighting a case of mistaken identity. Tina Bitterbier and Tina Bitter, two individuals with similar names, have been mistakenly linked to a news story that is not true.

The Facts Uncovered

According to the article, Tina Bitterbier, a 26-year-old shipping clerk, was arrested for keeping rabbits in her garage. However, upon further investigation, it was discovered that Tina Bitter was the individual in question. This mistake has caused distress and confusion for Tina Bitterbier, who had nothing to do with the incident.

A review of the Facebook profiles of both women revealed that they share a similar first name and geographical location. This led to the initial confusion, as social media platforms often display suggested profiles based on similarities.

Tina Bitterbier has since spoken out, expressing her frustration and the negative impact the mistaken identity has had on her life. She has contacted the news outlet responsible for the error and requested a correction.


Mistaken identity can have far-reaching consequences, as this case demonstrates. It is crucial for the media to verify and double-check their facts before reporting information, especially when it involves an individual's reputation. The situation involving Tina Bitterbier serves as a reminder that online information should not always be taken at face value and that it is important to investigate the truth before jumping to conclusions.
